Renewal from Winter to spring
With Anat Ben Israel a senior teacher from USA
Saturday April-18th Kibbutz Hanita
From hibernation and introversion ~ wake up to light
The time is now to join nature in her movement creating new life.
We will Take a deep breath and feel the heartbeat that unites us
its wholeness.
Opening ourselves to renew the relationship with the life force
and our innate spirituality.
We will fill our body with vital energy and health strengthening
the connection between the I & We.
Connect with the essence of Wholeness and the spiritual world.
Spring is the time when life burst like a mighty river without barriers ~ create, regenerate. We'll take the proffered hand,
the open invitation from nature and join . . .
Anat received her diploma in Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapy in 1988 from the International Institute of Garda Boyesen, London, England. For more than 27
years Anat is teaching Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapy and Massage.
The workshop is based on Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapy
founded by Gerda Boyesen
While in Israel 15/4-15/5 Anat is offering individual sessions and workshops in a wide range of topics
Location: Kibbutz Hanita at Belhha"s "Ohel"
Dated: Saturday April-18th
Cost: By Donations
Time: Arrival 9:15 starts 9:30-16:00
Space is limited Registration Required !
Meals: Bring food to share for Lunch
Pen and paper
Comfortable clothing
Food to share or snacks
Hot drinks (coffe, tea, water) provided

In this Body-Mind workshop we will use creative dialogue, movement,
breath, guided imagination, and touch techniques among others
to work with the physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies to create, experience and empower a state of "Wholeness" and Health.

© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel
© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel
© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel
© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel