Biodynamic Psychotherapy-The Gerda Boyesen Method
With Anat Ben Israel a senior teacher from USA
The fundamental principles of Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapy
Biodynamic Body- Psychotherapy ~ a bridge between psychology and biology
The connection between Gerda Boyesen and Wilhelm Reich
The "Primary Personality" and "Secondary Personality
The importance of Biodynamic massage and how it works with Biodynamic Psychotherapy
The connection between fluids, emotions and energy
The role of the intestines in the digestion of emotions - Psycho-Peristalsis
Join us for a information packed evening.
Anat Ben-Israel has been taught directly by Gerda Boyesen,
the founder of Biodynamic Psychology, Psychotherapy and
Massage.She has been teaching and in private practice
for more then 30 years, she lives in Washington state, USA.
In this evening Biodynamic Psychotherapist and teacher Anat Ben Israel
will present the fundamental principles of Biodynamic Psychotherapy.
Biodynamic Psychotherapy ~ a bridge between psychology and biology
Multi dimensional aspects of Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy and how
they manifests in the body
The embodiment of the psyche
Biodynamic massage its aim and goals
The role of the intestines in the digestion of emotions-Psycho-Peristalsis
The wisdom of the Life Force, a guiding element in Biodynamic Psychotherapy