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Upcoming Events

© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel

© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel

Seminar Details...
  • From hibernation and introversion ~ wake up to light

  • The time is now to join nature in her movement creating new life

  • We will Take a deep breath and feel the heartbeat that unites us its


  • Opening ourselves to renew the relationship with the life force 

       and our innate spirituality

  • We will fill our body with vital energy and health strengthening 

       the connection between the I & We

  • Connect with the essence of Wholeness and the spiritual world

The workshop is based on Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapy founded by

Gerda Boyesen

© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel

Emotional stress reduces the quality of life and damage our physical health, the immune system weakens which opens the door to disease.   The focus of this workshop is to enhance emotional responsibility and resiliency in order to bring the whole system into balance. Using awareness, breath, touch and energy work. This experiential workshop gives practical simple tools for you and your family to use at times of emotionally challenging situations.

The techniques and knowledge in this workshop are a part of Biodynamic Psychotherapy. 

Introductory workshop
Biodynamic ּEnergy therapy
Dated & Location will be announced 




In this evening workshop Biodynamic Psychotherapist and teacher

Anat Ben Israel will present the fundamental of Biodynamic AuraWork.

  • What is the correlating  between the electromagnetic energy field (Aura), breath, emotion and health 

  • What is the connection between “Energy Blocks” pain and


  Therapeutic application ~ We will learn how:

  • Reduce pain and inflammation by working on the electromagnetic

        field (Bio-Field)

  • The conection between the energy field and Psycho-Peristalsis











Seminar Details...
Seminar Details...

© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel

Seminar Details...
  • What is the essence and nature of “Wholeness” and “Peace” 

  • "To be at peace with myself”, what is the nature of this experience 

  • Is there an emotional and mental state that facilitates being 

        and living in Peace with one self and others 

In this Body-Mind workshop we will with movement and breath, dialogue 

and touch to create and experience a state of "Wholeness" as a starting

point for of Peace.

We need to be the change we want in the world !

The focus of the workshop is the relationship between Peace, Wholeness

and Integrity on a personal and social levels as a living embodided experience.

Peace start wfom within.

©2024 Anat Ben-Israel

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