Biodynamic Massage
Biodynamic massage can be used as part of Biodynamic psychotherapy or by itself.
Every thought and feeling registers in the body. Every cell is aware of all that is happening
in our life.
Biodynamic therapists are aware that when they touched the body they are in touch with
the whole person.
Biodynamic Massage involves a broad range of techniques that work on the physical
levels like muscle and bone and on the subtle levels of energy flow in and around the body.
“Psycho-Peristalsis” massage is the most basic and fundamental technique. It is used to
empty (fluid pressure) and clear the tissues from metabolic waste products.
Biodynamic massage techniques can be used:
Reduces muscular tensions and physical pains and aches
Cleanses the body and release toxins
Encouraging expansion and deeper breathing
Enhances a sense of “Wellbeing” and Calming
Reducing inflammation
As part of the Body-Psychotherapy process
Supporting the ability to feel and express
Supports clarity of thought
It works on a wide variety of physical, mental/emotional conditions:
Headaches, Migraines
Back, shoulder and neck, hands and feet pain
Psychosomatic illnesses
Digestive disorders
Different symptoms of stress i.e. Insomnia, Anxiety and Depression
Other techniques help in grounding, containing, integration and strengthening the
experiences of embodiment of self. The depth of touch varies from deep to very light
like when working on the energy field surrounding the body.
Through the massage the therapist communicates with the client at a deep unconscious level.
The massage initiates and invites a direct physical change. It brings greater vitality, health
and a growing connection to ones independent wellbeing as the client develops a new
relationship with him/herself.