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Anat Ben-Israel was born in Argentina and immigrated with her family

to Israel to Kibbutz Gaaton. Her primary school education, was experiential

to a large degree and included the visual and performing arts.


During her high school she studied modern and classical dance as well

as choreography. She continued her advanced studies and training for

two additional years at "The DanceWorkshop Gaaton" in a full time

intensive study program at "Mateh-Asher School of Preforming Arts"

under the directorship of Yehudit Arnon founderf of

"Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company". She performed with the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company and was its stage manager for a year. 

Anat taught modern dance, body awareness and creative movement at the  "Mateh Asher School of Preforming Arts" and at the primary school in 

Kibbutz Gaaton.


From an early age Anat was interested in the creative arts as well as the

sciences and medicine. Biodynamic Psychotherapy was a natural evolution,

combining her interests. Anat has been engaged for 26 years in spiritual

practice and studiesShe enjoys photography, creative cooking, writing poetry,

yoga and living in nature.


Professional education

Anat Ben-Israel studied for more then six years at the Gerda Boyesen 

International Institute in London, England. She was taught and trained

among others by Gerda Boyesen the founder of Biodynamic Psychology,

Psychotherapy and Massage and by Mona-Lisa Boyesen, Ebba Boyesen

Mary Molloy and Clover Southwell.



Anat received her diploma in Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapy in 1988

from the International Institute of Garda Boyesen, London, England. 

For more than 28 years Anat is teaching Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapy

and Biodynamic Massage. After graduation in 1988  Anat Ben-Israel

became a faculty member and an associate of The Gerda Boyesen International Institute.


Since 1988 Anat has been a Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapist 

and a teacher of Biodynamic Psychology, Body-Psychotherapy,

Massage and Psycho-Postural Treatment. 

She has taught for the institute in England and Europ and

privately in the USA and Israel.


In the early 90's Anat Ben-Israel and Wolfgang Gerards,

(Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapist and teacher of the method)

created with Gerda Boyesen's blessings their own School, "Biodynamic Education of America" teaching all aspects Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapy, based in Washington State. She teaches as a guest lecturer at IPSB College (International Professional School of Bodywork San Diego CA) and as visiting senior lecturer at Reidman College. Ms. Ben Israel offers workshops and training in all facets of Biodynamic Psychotherapy and a variety of topics

related to body-mind connection.Anat maintains a private practice in Israel, California and Washington state where she lives.



  •  Psychology (Boyesen, Reichian, Freudian, Jungian and more)

  •  Biodynamic massage

  •  Biodynamic & Reichian psychotherapy

  •  Biology

  •  Pathology

  •  Anatomy

  •  Physiology


Certificates and Diplomas:

  •  Diploma Biodynamic Psychology, Psychotherapy & Massage

  •  M.A. in Body Psychotherapy

  •  Diploma Psycho - Postural Treatment (Psycho-therapeutic massage     technique)

  •  Biodynamic Psychology, Psychotherapy and Massage – Teacher training

  •  Psycho-Postural Treatment – Teacher training

  •  Certified Second Degree Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Practitioner

  •  Certified  500 hours Yoga Teacher - Alignment Base Yoga



Anat Ben-Israel M.A.

Biodynamic Body-Psychotherapist,

UKCP Registered

(United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy)


© Copyright Anat Ben-Israel

©2024 Anat Ben-Israel

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